Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lesson 11 - Beard Papa aka Choux Pastries!

Finally! No more Puff Pastry! But we will be starting three lessons of choux pastry starting today, which is pretty exciting, as I am always wondering how they make the beard papa or bake a wish cream puffs. It is not that easy to make the choux pastry I would say, to ensure that it has the right consistency. We had to mix the dough, roast it and then slowly add in eggs to make it to a certain consistency.

We were all very very careful when making the choux pastry so that we do not add too much eggs else it will be too runny! My choux pastry itself came out ok, but the next trick is the piping! We had to draw circles on the baking paper and then pipe on them. We used the same mix for the choux chantilly, which is choux with cream in between, and for the smaller ones, we just piped it on smaller circles without cream but with almond and nib sugars.

Chef Guil commented that my choux pastry was a bit too small. And for the small ones, the sizes were not even. Really need to improve on the piping!! Hopefully there will be better piping for the next class!

Chefs Choux Chantilly

Smaller Choux by the Chef

Li Lian's Choux Pastry and Small Choux Pastries

Panya's rating for the Choux Pastry was 7.5 (thanks to the cream) and the smaller choux was 7.0!

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